How Do You Safeguard Our Personal and Financial Data?

Posted by Qi Ying

How do you safeguard your personal and financial data? Nowadays, computer and internet are very common to everyone. We will rely on computer to save our personal data and using online financial services to do financial transactions such as online banking in order to safe time. Protecting personal and financial information is paramount these days. Criminals are looking for easy ways to get people's personal and financial data to commit identity theft. Therefore, it is important that users take measures to protect their date from lost and damage.

Here are a few approaches on how to safeguard our personal and financial data:
1. Set up a username and password
Set up a username and password for logging on to your computer. This can be done by your administrator and will be separate from the login you enter to gain access to the network. Furthermore, avoid using passwords that are easy for someone to guess, such as the date of birth. Also, never write this information down and never carry it in your wallet. Besides, longer passwords provide greater security than shorter ones. Once selecting a password, change it frequently.

2. Be cautious about providing your information
Don't give your financial information or personally identifying details to organizations you don't know such as bank account numbers, credit card account numbers. Don't disclose the personal financial data on any Web site or online service location, or on the phone, or through the mail unless you receive a secured authentication key from your provider.

3. Install antispyware and antivirus software
Install an antivirus program such as Symantec and Norton antivirus, AVG antivirus or other more in order to protect yourself against viruses and Trojan horses that may steal or modify the data on your own computer. It cleans the computer and protects personal information, financial data. In order for the well protection, you must make sure to keep your virus definitions up to date.

4. Install a firewall
Users can use firewalls to protect their computers and data from unauthorized intrusions. A firewall is a software program designed to allow good people in and keep bad people out. Most new computers come with firewalls integrated into their operating systems. If you have an older computer or use dial up, you may need to purchase a firewall separately and install it yourself.

5. Never open mystery attachments
Never open an attachment or click on a link sent to you by an unknown party. Attachments can contain viruses and links can lead unsuspecting users to dummy sites where they are asked to input financial information.
